Gold Star Meditation for the Grounding of the Altai Energy into the Earth, Part 2 of 3

Begin with Part one: Preparation:

1. Sit in the chair with both feet flat on the floor and your spine straight.

2. Place your hands over your solar plexus with the right hand over the left hand over the solar plexus in the curve of the ribcage.  Place your left thumb over your right thumb in low point of the sternum.

3. Close your eyes and allow your breathing to become rhythmic by counting the in-breath and the out-breath.  Remember that the whole universe has the same in-breath and out-breath vibration and impulse.

Part Two:  Connect, Intend, Visualize, Affirm and Manifest

When whole-brain thinking is flowing spontaneously and synergetically, you can take the focus of your thinking 8-10 inches above your head to the gold soul star.  You can sense it, you can feel it, and you can see this luminous, iridescent gold.  

Focusing on your soul star then, say an affirmation of your choosing, such as:

I am the divine soul,
I am a divine light,
I am divine love,
I am divine joy.

From there, the group proceeds clockwise, connecting soul star to soul star.  Imagine looking down at the circle from above.  Connect your soul star to the soul star of the person who is sitting directly clockwise to you.

Practice feeling as if you were fishing and had caught a fish—feel the tug.  You will eventually feel the tug when connecting to the next person’s soul star.  When the circle of light is complete, the group raises a five pointed gold star above the location at which you are gathered.

Raise the group’s five pointed gold  star above the house or place at which you are gathered .

Raise the star to connect with the mountains around your area where the illuminated beings live. The regional soul star is connected to the illuminated beings in the surrounding mountains.  They live in places where there is no pollution or human interference.

From the five-pointed gold star above your region, see the rainbow extending across, connecting to the Altai Mountains and the people there.

Connect with the intention that the Fellowship will take with them, between Mother Earth and Father Sky, where the Fellowship has walked the distance on the physical plane to intend, to visualize, and to affirm.  To affirm is to know the truth of this work, to trust the truth of this work.

And then the manifestation is the action plan of all that has been planned, of all the resources that have been offered for this purpose.

Give gratitude for all the resources that have been offered for this purpose.

Rejoice in the liberation of all the souls that are being held in bondage and slavery, who are ready to remember and awaken and reclaim their inherent goodness and divinity and to know themselves.

Realize that we are all equally a precious child of creator.

We can cooperate and collaborate for our collective survival on Earth to renew, to restore the Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.  We renew and restore, not only in our physical body, but also in our emotive body as well as the mental and spiritual within us.

And then in the planet Earth, we “re-ignite the fire” of this intention for the future generations.  If we take care of the Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, then we will be taking care of ourselves in the future.

We interconnect with the divine to affirm that we have heard and understand the intent for humanity to become humane.

By speaking it into the etheric network and having witnessed,  we have undone all the obstacles that have been hidden and have caused delay and suffering.

We manifest in the daily activities as we invite and engage
those who are interested,
and are committed,
and who will join us in
putting our thinking into its appropriate and proper use: for the healing of humanity.

Part Three:  Self Replenishment and healing.  Grounding and Anchoring the High Frequency energies into the Earth.

As of July 30, the Altai Fellowship is now steeped in the High Frequency energies and transmitting to those who are grounding the meditation.  This energy will continue to increase in intensity throughout the lunar waxing and peak with a global event on August 13th with participating grounding groups worldwide.  To learn more and participate, please visit:

©Patricia Anne Davis, MA and the Navajo Nation Justice Department  All my work is translated from the Navajo/Dineh language and those italicized  words notate that.  The meaning and vibration is my way of keeping track of information in English while I exist, speak and write in the Dineh Affirmative thinking system.  For an explanation of the terms above, please visit the  glossary at

4 responses to “Gold Star Meditation for the Grounding of the Altai Energy into the Earth, Part 2 of 3”

  1. […] Part Two:  Affirm, Intend, Visualize and Manifest using the United Intention for the Altai Fellowship.   To affirm is to know the truth of this work, to trust the truth of this work.  […]

  2. […] Gold Star Meditation to connect with the Fellowship and Mountain Grid- Part One, Two and […]

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